Field Surgeon: Stimpaks and RadAway will now work much more quickly.Field Surgeon and First Aid are a given to have if you're running health builds.Better than having to use more than one, or the Quantum that you were saving for emergencies. The Solo Sniper Build Recommended Stats for the Solo Sniper build STRENGTH - 2 PERCEPTION - 15 ENDURANCE - 1 CHARISMA - 4 INTELLIGENCE - 4 AGILITY - 14 LUCK - 14 Why do we like it As long as you keep a fair distance from your enemies, you're going to land high damage shots that come in handy with closer range shots. You'll find that Nuka Cola effects are more beneficial if you're running this perk, that means more HP after you down an entire bottle. Cola Nut is a personal favorite if you're trying to run any type of high health build.So you won't have to worry about carrying all your stimpaks on you, they won't weigh you down as much with this card. In Strength, you see Traveling Pharmacy, and that's a particularly good card to have and what that does is reduces the weight of all your first aid including stimpaks but 90%.He has a particular love for games like Pillars of Eternity, Skyrim, a variety of beloved indie titles, and also a few online shooters to serve as a means of avoiding open-world fatigue. Ever since he started playing games on his old SNES, he has been hooked ever since. This is by no means an efficient build, with many of the. Shotguns can deal an incredible amount of damage and quickly. Arron is a featured team writer and lifelong gamer. This Fallout 76 build is built around heavy substance abuse and high shotgun and explosive damage. As a Commando build, it still runs the Master, Expert, and lone Commando cards. Answer: Amongst the community, a shotgun-focused build is thought to be the best for solo players. Enemies Take 10 More Damage When You Hit Them With A Ranged Sneak Attack, Lasts For 10 Seconds. EASY Commando Build For Beginners Fallout 76 Builds BOS Bird 28.4K subscribers Join Subscribe 136 4.8K views 1 year ago Fallout76CommandoBuild Fallout76Builds2022 Fallout76BestBuild. This build really ups the anty on health as you can see with the perk cards. Rifle builds can use many of the Legendary Perks in Fallout 76, but these six perks are best since they each offer a unique effect that you can't get anywhere else.Whether you are in a team or playing alone, you’ll always have a good time trying out this build. This is another one of those builds that can work great in any situation. What High Health Commando Build Excels In: As the name suggests, this Fallout 76 build focuses on dealing as much damage per second as possible.