To have easy access to all the “direct start” command line switches (the switches that do not require further variables), you can use HowTo-Outlook’s very own OutlookTools (free).
#Create a display menu in a batch fil windows#
Starting Outlook with the cleanreminders switch in Windows 10. Starting Outlook with the cleanreminders switch in Windows 7. To run the command, click OK or press ENTER.For example, if you want to use the CleanReminders switch, the command you type in the Open box should look like this: Press the SPACEBAR once, and then type a forward slash mark ( /) followed by the switch you want to use (see the list below).In the box you opened in step 1, type outlook.exe.This will automatically open the Search Pane which also allows for commands. Open the Start Menu and directly start typing. Type in the Search field (Cortana) or open the Start Menu and directly start typing.

Open the Start Screen and directly start typing. Open the Start Menu and use the Search field to type in for the next step. Open the Run command by pressing the Windows Logo + R on your keyboard.You can directly execute command line switches in the following way: Creating shortcuts with command line switches.This guide contains an overview of all available command line switches per Outlook version and how they can be used. Outlook comes with lots of command line switches and parameters which can be very handy for troubleshooting and (limited) automation.